Monday, December 28, 2009

Seven Seconds to Ecstasy

j and I have enjoyed a couple of lazy days at home. It has been nice to sleep in, spend lots of time talking, and just enjoy each other again. Simple things, like just holding each other and kissing, had been neglected for far too long. As j and I lay in bed the other day, I leaned over and began kissing him. I love the feeling of his mouth against mine, sucking on his bottom lip, tasting him and hearing his soft moans as we kiss.

After a few minutes of passionate kissing, I realized that it had been a while since he had last cum. I decided to tease him a bit. I told him he had thirty seconds to make himself cum, but that if he didn't climax in thirty seconds, he would not be allowed to cum at all. I thought that for sure he would not be able to cum in that short a time, and therefore would be teased and denied.

I began counting, and for the first few seconds he didn't respond. I think he was in shock a bit. A few seconds in he began stroking his cock furiously. He used both hands, the fingertips of both hands wrapped around the head of his cock. When I got to ten seconds, he had to slow down, virtually to a stop. I began to laugh as I realized why. After seven seconds of stroking he was on the verge of an orgasm! Here I was, thinking I would be challenging him by getting him to try to cum in thirty seconds and he could do it in seven!! Unreal!

I guess it could be his years of chronic masturbation. Maybe if you do something frequently enough, you get really, really good at it.

For the rest of the day, we giggled off and on about his 'seven second' record.



  2. I could not do that, regardless of the provocation. Ten seconds maybe, but not seven.

    Just kidding. This can be a curse or a blessing. I keep hearing an objectionable commercial on the radio hawking solution to a problem that they so politely call "premature stamina". Apparently some consider it a problem, whereas in your specific case it was a great topic of discussion and fun. Sheesh, I wish I could do that!
