Saturday, May 9, 2009

Furtive Fumblings in the Bedroom

Sex with children in the house reminds me of those times, as a teenager, that I would have a boyfriend over. We would both be so hot for each other, but with parents within earshot had to keep our oohs, ahs and moans to a minimum. I remember at times the excitement and daring of it all seemed to intensify things for me. Now, as an adult with kids in the house, it does nothing but damper the sensations!

Every other weekend we go from one to four children in the house. Our daughter who lives with us full-time is a sound sleeper, and is extremely independent. She frequently gets up in the morning and does her own thing for a while. Our other three children...not so much! They fill the house with doors closing, running, fussing at each other, giggling and laughing, making crazy noises (okay, it's not nearly as bad as I am making it out to be, but you get the idea). Also, they frequently feel the need to share things with us, knocking on the door at the most inopportune times!

I woke a little earlier than usual this morning. The sun was shining in through the blinds, and I felt rejuvenated after an excellent sleep. I pulled back the covers so I could look at j's naked body (I require him to sleep naked). he looked sexy and yet vulnerable. his already small-ish manhood shriveled up even further than usual. I stroked him and he began to wake up, feeling my fingers grasping his cock. Within seconds he was hard and moaning softly. I asked him how long it had been since he had last cum. "I don't least a week, maybe two." He continued to moan, and I became quite aroused just watching his cock grow under my touch.

I asked for my vibrator and began to rub it against myself, instructing him to touch himself so I could watch. Wisely, he went and locked the door at this point, then returned and kneeled beside my head so I had an excellent view. I love watching him stroke his (my) cock. It did not take me long at all to reach orgasm myself, and then I began using the vibrator, my beloved Magic Wand, on him. I teased his cock for a while, watching him get close to orgasm, then pulling away. I did this several times, and at the last time his moans continued after I pulled away, and cum flowed out of his cock. According to j, he came but did not orgasm, and while I am not arguing with the biological possibilities of this happening, in my book they are one in the same. j has a problem with cumming prematurely, and I felt disappointed that he could not control himself. After all, I had not teased him much at all this morning.

I excused him to go clean himself up, and when he returned to bed I slapped his balls several times...hard. Hard enough that he closed his legs when I reach back between then to slap him again. I scolded him for this and slapped him a few more times. Then I began stroking his cock again, getting him rock hard very quickly. Within moments he was asking me if he could cum. I, of course, refused to let him and instead slapped his balls some more. Each time it would elicit gasps of pain and his body would arch up to escape my hand. Then I would go back to stroking. This continued for some time. I could have gone on even longer except.....

* knock-knock-knock *
* knock-knock-knock *
"Mom, somebody broke my light-up toy."
UGH! Despite being quiet, the children were up and needing attention. Seems like they can sense whenever we are being intimate!

Do not get me wrong, I really love my children. They are the best things that have ever happened to me and I treasure each of them. I am so thankful that I have these years to enjoy with them, to watch them grown and develop into unique individuals, each with their own gifts. But every once in a while I fantasize about what it will be like when they are grown and on their own and the house is quiet again. Happy Mother's Day!


  1. ROFL!! I know all about kids and inopportune moments. One of my stepdaughters, when she was about 13, finally learned that knocking first before entering the bedroom was a good idea. Although we usually would lock the door, there would be times we'd forget. We had warned her many times about entering without knocking and she just wouldn't get it, until that day...LOL.

    My daughter can sleep through just about anything. When she was little (3-4), she slept with us due to musical bedroom arrangements with the other kids for a couple of months. We'd just push her to the side and all was well...LOL.

    Kids are great but it's always waaaaay nice when they finally head out on their own!! *wink*


  2. I know this is a universal struggle for couples, vanilla or kinky. It seems sometimes as if it would be easier to just turn off sex entirely for 18 years (though much less fun). Definitely not an option around here though! I love it far too much.

    EE- I am sure your stepdaughter learned her lesson! Hysterical!
