Sunday, August 2, 2009

Time For Us

It is not very often that j and I have time completely alone. We do quite well considering that our only time for intimacy is late at night, after our daughter is in bed. Since our time alone is so limited, I really appreciate any time like this that we get. Our daughter left today for camp. For the next four nights there will be no knocks on the door, no one asking for dessert, to help put up their hair, or lunches to pack. It was sad to see her go, and I got a little weepy as we left, but damn- I am SO ready to have my wonderfully submissive man all to myself!

I hope that in the time we have alone we will be able to reignite the D/s sparks. Maintaining a D/s relationship is tough at times, and like all relationships it requires work. I remember when j and I first started to incorporate D/s into our marriage. Initially it was just something that we did in the bedroom. It was fun, exciting, and like getting a new toy! But for me, it was never enough for it just to be a sexual thing. Right away I knew that I wanted it to be 24/7. I wanted to be j's Domme all the time, in the bedroom or not. I know a relationship like this is not for everyone, but for us it is very comfortable and natural.

I look forward to a week of love, romance, bondage, discipline, sensuality, orgasms, and lots and lots of sex. I am grateful that I have a wonderful partner with which to share this time.


  1. Maintaining the relationship is something my wife had come up wiht some ideas for. She has some "auto pilot" things in place where she doesn't have to do anything...

    1) I keep a journal every day and before we go to bed, I tell her about my day. This helps her keep track of how I spend my time.

    I like your blog and added it to mine to track for updates. My wife said she will start to add some posts soon too, incase you are interested.
    2) each day I need to think of something she would want me to do without her asking. At the end of the day, if she hasn't already noticed, I tell her what it was.

    3) My release is on a schedule. This way, she doesn't have to track how many days it's been. She finds it easier. Then if needed, she can tell me to skip on the day of my scheduled release.

    4) Each day I need to get to the point of release and stay there for 20 minutes, stimulating myself as needed. This ensures I stay horny and attentive, and acts as practice on how not to go past my point-of-no-return.

  2. Your Wife has some great ideas. I especially like that you are to take yourself to the point of release and maintain for 20 minutes daily in order to keep your arousal high. I also like that you do something for her each day without being asked. Great ideas that I may start with j- he needs these things to keep him attentive!

  3. Very, very interesting. I learn something knew every day when I read blogs!

