Thursday, June 16, 2011
Not Your Typical Foreplay!
I love a good spanking, but sometimes it is more fun to punish and torment j in more creative ways. Several days ago he requested to use my electric razor because he forgot to buy shaving cream. I allowed him to use it, but made a mental note to take advantage of the situation later.
I walked into the bedroom to find j facing his dresser, sorting out some clothes. I came up behind him, reached around and hit him in the balls. He yelped in a combination of shock and pain. I hit him again and then pushed him backwards onto the bed. Climbing on top of his body, I kissed him passionately, pressing my knee firmly up against his groin as I gently bit his bottom lip. A few minutes of passionate kissing left us both aroused and wanting more.
"Your face is a mess," I admonished him. "My razor is not a good substitute. I can't have you going around looking like this." I reached for the tweezers I left on the bedside table and began pinching them near his face, teasing him. One by one, I used the tweezers to yank the hairs out of his face. Sometimes he just flinched a bit, but other times he yelped and rubbed his face. After tackling stray whiskers, I thinned out his eyebrows.
As I continued to torture him, I felt myself becoming more aroused and knew I needed to take him. I ordered him to undress, quickly removed my pants and, still wearing my shirt, rode him. I grabbed onto the headboard to give myself extra leverage and rode him hard and fast, forcing him deeper into my body. As turned on as I was from teasing him, it didn't take long for me to climax. And, feeling generous, I let him cum as well. What a lucky boy he is!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Domme On Top Is The Best!
j and I have a history of trying all sorts of different sexual positions. There are times we will have sex porno-style, changing positions often, but it seems no matter how we may start I always end up on top. Appropriate, I know!
My favorite position is me squatting on top of j as he lays on his back. Sometimes I have him tied to the bedposts, and other times I allow him to be free. I like that I can tease him- ever so slowly lowering myself down until I am just barely touching his cock before lifting up again. This gives me a far greater level of control. I can ride him hard and fast and then lift up completely, or I can take my time, giggling as he humps the air desperate for my touch. This position allows me to use my hands as well, rubbing and tapping my clit. The position requires strong leg muscles, as the thighs do all the work. Essentially I get my workout with an orgasm!
Sometimes I prefer to ride him in the standard fashion. This position is great because it allows for more intimacy. Our bodies are close, and I can grind my pelvis around. I like to press my clit up against his pubic bone as I grind my hips from side to side. I can lean forward and bite his nipples (I so love hearing him help), or lean backward and rub myself.
On occasion I like sitting on j's lap and riding him in that manner. It ends up as more of a rocking motion, and the stimulation is not as intense for either of us. Still, we are physically very close. With his arms wrapped around me, I like to lean over and talk dirty to him, telling him how lucky he is to have such a wonderful Domme that allows his cock inside her. And you know what? It's true!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
After Thousands of Orgasms, May It Rest In Peace
Long-time readers of my blog know how much I love my Hitachi Magic Wand. It has inspired posts, including My Scepter Is A Hitachi Magic Wand and has been mentioned in many more. Sadly, after years of use and many orgasms, I believe it has died.
It started making loud noises a few days ago, and today the motor seems to have finally given out. I'm contemplating giving it an actual funeral as it has served me well! I have quite a few vibrators, and of course the services of j, but none are quite as sublime as the Wand.
I will, of course, be getting another. There simply is no alternative!
Real Life Femdom
j and I lead what I believe is about as close to 24/7 D/s as a married couple, each with their own career, can lead. My control is a constant in our marriage, but sometimes real life gets in the way.
What do I mean by real life? Sometimes vanilla problems interfere with D/s bliss. A recent example of this was a nasty allergy attack (or cold - I'm still not certain which it was). I barely felt like getting out of bed, much less making decisions or Dominating j in any way. The only thing I wanted to do was curl up, sleep and maybe read.
In the past, I would have tried to maintain my Dominant role. I would have been bitchy and nasty, and refused to admit that I was sick and vulnerable. It really does require quite a bit of energy and focus to be Dominant. Don't get me wrong; I love every minute of it, but making every decision for the household can take a lot out of someone.
The problem with always being Dominant is it is tough to relinquish control to others. What I have learned, over time, is that a good Domme knows when to hand over the reigns temporarily. And a good submissive can carry on, continue to serve and be ready to submit again when that time comes.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Aural Sex
I admit it, I'm a moaner. More accurately, I am a moaner, a screamer and a dirty-talker. I like my sex LOUD. Whether the intimacy is snuggling, making love, or incredibly erotic D/s play, I constantly make some sort of noise. I can't even kiss without moaning!
I love to talk dirty. I suppose this contradicts my behavior in public, and maybe that is what makes it so erotic. I like being in control, and talking dirty allows me to direct my pleasure just the way I want it.
"Put your head between my legs and lick my pussy. I want to feel your tongue lapping at my clit." "Yeah, you're my bitch. I know you will do anything for me"... followed, of course, by taunts about all the various things I could make him do. All this excites me (and my submissive) even more, making the moment of climax utterly intense.
Edging During Masturbation

I am capable of having quite a few orgasms in any given day. My orgasms, however, differ quite a bit in intensity and where I feel them. For example, I can bring myself to a quick orgasm in just a couple minutes through rubbing or tapping my clit. These orgasms are generally not very intense, but satisfy my needs if I only have a few minutes.
On other other hand, I can (and often do) edge myself during masturbation. Riding that orgasmic precipice for quite some time is both mentally and sexually arousing. I love that I have full control over my orgasm, and when I ultimately do climax this way the orgasms are forceful and extreme. Even as I am on the edge, though, I am feeling intense pleasure that goes beyond just a build-up of sexual tension. My muscles lock, I moan, I feel waves of pleasure emanating through not just my pelvis but my entire body. The orgasm that follows is concentrated, but ultimately is just the icing on the cake.
I hope this helps answer your question!
Thursday, June 2, 2011
When I Think About You, I Touch Myself
I genuinely enjoy sex and most all things sexual. I read about sex, I talk about sex, I spend long periods of time thinking about sex. I don't think I am the classic nymphomaniac, but surely I am not far from it.
I started masturbating the age of 11 after stumbling upon my father's pornography. I had no idea what I was doing, really... I just knew that if felt incredible. To this day, even when j is satisfying me sexually, I enjoy masturbating.
It is a great feeling to control My orgasm in a way that no man can. I don't care how well he may know my body, only I can bring myself right to the brink and back down again. Only I know precisely where to touch and just how to rub.
My best D/s thoughts and plans are crafted when I masturbate; when I allow my body to relax, my mind to wander, and my sexuality to flourish.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Cuckolding: A sub's Perspective
After receiving the comment on my blog, which I have addressed in "Cuckolding: A Domme's Perspective," I asked j to write his thoughts on the matter. These are his words:
i can imagine it can be difficult for someone who is not a submissive or has never been in a D/s relationship to truly understand and appreciate that kind of relationship. Additionally, it must be hard to understand why someone would want the person they love and cherish to be intimate with another person. i know Mistress and i have gone through these discussion in regards to other types or "factions" of BDSM. There are some types of D/s or BDSM that W/we simply do not get. i attribute this lack of appreciation to not having been in that type of relationship before or not having those kinds of feelings. When W/we first started in O/our D/s relationship, i remember reading that the members of the BDSM community were actually the most critical group of people of the lifestyle. Much more so than those outside. That every person has their turn-on and doesn't understand why somebody else has something else that triggers them. So i am going to attribute some of your concern to that.
Secondly, it is a broad generalization that intimate relationships with more than two people usually end up in disaster. This may be where you are coming from. Conversely, W/we feel that if a relationship has the essential elements needed to succeed, thrive, and grow, that anything is possible. One of the hallmarks of a D/s relationship is communication and trust. Though there are couples out there that have very strict Cuckold relationships where the man has zero control over anything, that is not O/our situation. There is constant communication, evaluation, and assessment before, during, and afterwards. Not just when W/we invite another person but in every aspect. Mistress controls the wheel. But without having a deep trust and love for Her, She wouldn't be able to have that control. And there must be trust that She has everyone's (cannot underline that word enough) best interest in mind.
Thirdly, i don't know if W/we have the standard cuckold relationship. i think W/we fall somewhere between cuckold, whitol, and swinger. As you have read, She controls the actions but W/we are both involved in the interactions. W/we share this experience together. And that is what makes it special.
Lastly, the real question: What do i get out of it? i receive incredible fulfillment from the knowledge that the person i love is having Her fantasies realized and that i can provide that for Her. Nothing turns me on more than seeing Mistress turned on. i am not forced into this. i am not a slave. i am submitting to Her desires and in turn being fulfilled by Her sexual and emotional exploration with other people.
i hope this clarifies O/our situation a little. Thanks for reading and special thanks for your input.
Cuckolding: A Domme's Perspective
When you write a blog, you open yourself up to comments and thoughts from others. By and large, the comments I receive are supportive and appreciative. On occasion I receive a comment that is critical. I received this comment today and felt it would make a good blog post.
The comment reads: “Sounds like that is it for your marriage unless hubby can stand your obvious desire for other men. Ask yourself this: Do you have any interest in j sexually other than as an object of your pleasure? If not, you should let him know and see how he feels. It looks to me you are confusing dominance with sexual boredom, because your guy can't "man up" in the bedroom.
Sorry if this seems harsh, but cuckoldry is playing with fire, and you might want to ask yourself (assuming you actually care for j) what he is getting out of it.
And yes, I've read the other two posts on this topic.
My response: I appreciate your comment and realize it was placed after thought and out of concern for My marriage. I can assure you that cuckolding was not something either one of us entered into lightly. We had discussed the issue quite a bit at different times, and came to the conclusion it was the path for us. Read: US. Not for Me, not for him, but for Us together as a couple. j is my husband first, my submissive second. Feel free to ask him if he sees this as a problem, if he feels like he cannot satisfy me, if he prefers that things be different. I can assure you that is not the case. he has told me this, and he has written this on his own blog, Serving My Mistress.
j is not by any means a groveling on the floor type of submissive. That’s just not who he is. He can and DOES speak his mind, especially when something is bothering him. Can he satisfy me? Sure! Do I enjoy being able to tease him and taunt him, letting him know that another man is doing it for me? Absolutely! j’s ONLY deficiencies in the bedroom are that he is small (which has never been an issue for me) and that he cannot last a long time (something we have remedied quite well with numbing cream). Aside from that, he is a phenomenal lover, whether the sex is traditional, vanilla sex or full-blown, out and out raunchy D/s sex.
You are right when you say that cuckolding is a dangerous path. I agree, wholeheartedly. Then again, that could be said about many different aspects of Dominance and submission. But ultimately, the path we are taking is one we chose to take, together. I respect j’s limits, but more than that, I am cognizant of his feelings. I have never been the type of Domme that goes through life without a care in the world about the feelings of her submissive. Rather, I want him to be happy.
My blog includes time away, sometimes months at a time when D/s was not working for us for whatever reason. During these times, we generally have a more vanilla relationship, at least in the sexual sense. And who is it who comes back begging for more D/s? He does. After my submissive came and visited us for a few days, j was immediately trying to figure out how we could travel and spend more time together.
After reading his comment, I asked j to write his thoughts on the matter. I will be posting them now, as Cuckolding: A sub's Perspective.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
How I Became the Domme I Am
I fully recognized my sexual Dominance about 8 years ago at the age of 27. Although I have posted about this before, I will share the story again as I realize I have quite a few new readers. When my husband and I first met, our sex life was fantastic. We made love several times a day and made quite the sport out of sex... challenging each other to different positions or more and more times a day. But soon, as is often the case, the passion died down. We experienced long lulls where sex was nonexistent. We would embrace and cuddle, but rarely anything more. I became concerned because j would never initiate sex. The more I tried to talk to him about it, the bigger an issue it became until one night, in the heat of the moment, he said he needed me to take control.
Shortly thereafter, I dragged him to the bookstore, grabbed the raunchiest BDSM book I could find, opened to a page with a picture of a man, hogtied and bound with a ball gag in his mouth and said, “Is this what you want?” His eyes grew large and he told me no, that was not what he had in mind... he just wanted me to initiate and control the sex. Too late though- because it was what I wanted. I took to D/s like a duck to water... if only I had known it would be so easy! And within a very short period of time, j was so grateful for having this new Dominant authority in his life.
Even though I did not discover my sexual Dominance until 27, when I look back on my life there were many signs I was Dominant from the start. One of my strongest memories is of wrestling a teenage boyfriend. This was a regular activity for us... get together, hang out, play video games and then wrestle. He was bigger and stronger than me and could easily take me down but I didn’t play fair at all. I would scratch, pull hair, bite, slap... and become incredibly sexually exhilarated. When he would yelp in pain, I would giggle and feel a rush. When I finally had him pinned beneath me, my adrenaline and passion surged to a high.
I have other memories, such as telling my mother, “I am my own person, I am my own self, and I will NOT clean my room.” This, at five years old. I liked to take control of most situations, not through belligerence or brattiness but rather through sheer assertiveness.
I dated men who enjoyed pleasing women. They treated me very well and were sensitive to my needs. The men I chose to date were far more concerned about my satisfaction than their own, and in all honesty I expected this. I scoffed at friends who complained about their crappy relationships and wondered why they would settle for anything less than a good man. I held my boyfriends to the fire. I wasn’t a bitch, but I expected accountability.
I wasn’t willing to settle for being treated like anything less than a queen. Because I refused to settle for less, that is what I received... so it is no surprise that the transition to sexual Dominant was easy. It was just taking my control and applying it to yet another area of my life. I have never looked back!
Monday, May 30, 2011
My Own Personal Peep Show
I am a bit of a night owl and find that one of the best ways to fall asleep after a busy day is an orgasm. j, on the other hand, often falls asleep earlier than I. No matter, of course, because I simply wake him and make him perform for Me. Sometimes I'll pull his head down between my legs, and other times I will have him stroke his cock for Me while I use a vibrator. he has this down to a science, and can put on quite the show, gyrating his hips, cradling his balls and pinching his nipples, even playing with his ass when I command him to. It's nice having my own personal peep show, whenever I want it. Oh, and in case you were wondering... no, I don't let him cum.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Two Men In My Bed, Part 3
When I had fantasized about having two submissives together, many images ran through my mind, but none stronger than an image of t sucking on j's cock. t and I had talked about this at great length, and he had confessed to me that he felt this was the epitome of humiliation to him. Still, before his visit I was not sure I would have him go through with it. Above all else, I truly care for both men, and although my fantasy was strong, I wanted to be careful both men were comfortable.
As you may remember, we had put two queen mattresses together on the floor in the living room so we could all sleep comfortably together. The boys, now naked after a game of Strip Guitar Hero, awaited my next command. I told t to suck j's cock for Me. Without hesitation, he moved between j's outstretched legs, bent over and took j's cock in his mouth. Up and down he went, very slowly and passionately. he seemed to enjoy the experience, though I have no doubt what he truly relished was submitting to me so deeply that he would perform such an act.
t continued to suck on j, and j told me he was getting closer. he began thrusting his hips, yearning for more of t's mouth. I told t to swallow j's cum, half expecting that I would be slapping his face as he refused. Instead, he sucked harder and took everything j had to give. I had been furiously rubbing my pussy as t sucked, and was beyond orgasmic.
I immediately pulled t toward me, kissing him passionately, sticking my tongue deep into his mouth and tasting j's cum. I wanted him so badly then! My Domme rush still in full force, I ordered the boys to kiss. Their kiss was pathetic at best, almost like watching two teenagers with their first kiss. Still, it was hot that they would do even this for me.
I then ordered j to suck t's cock again. I must admit, j is the better performer in this arena, and he surprised me with his skill. Of course, I imagine he learned everything he knows from me. j sucked t for quite some time as I rubbed my wet pussy. I came at least twice, maybe more, as j's eyes remained on mine. I told j to stop, and that I wanted to make love to t.
I wanted to make the cuckold experience complete, so I ordered j to put a condom on t, and then I lowered myself down onto t's cock. At this point he had been erect most of the time for a few days, so I was rather surprised when he was not hard enough for insertion. I will chalk it up to performance anxiety, however I was rather pissed at the time. I wanted to ride him and I wanted it then! Still, I recognized that the days had taken each of us to places we had never been.
We enjoyed dinner and a silly movie, and I enjoyed being in t's arms as we watched the film. He held me close and lovingly played with my long hair, rubbed my back and my legs. When the movie was over, t and I slowly began making out again. His kisses were so sweet, so loving and passionate. I decided that as punishment for not being able to satisfy me earlier, t would be cuckolded. I rode j's cock with abandon in front of him, moaning and screaming out with the orgasm that t had not been able to give me. I wanted to make sure he saw what he was missing out on. t was incredibly aroused watching, and I pushed him onto his back. Again I had j put a condom on him and then pushed j aside as I placed my legs astride t and lowered myself onto him. I rode him hard and fast, just like I like it. I am fairly certain the neighbors heard me, I moaned so loudly!
After some time we both collapsed onto a pile on the beds, totally spent. I motioned for j to join us and the three of us lay together, intertwined. In that moment I felt more love, passion, desire, and Dominance than ever before.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Submissive Men Married to Vanilla Women
In my search for a submissive I have determined that a fair portion of my readers are submissive men in vanilla marriages. So it is no surprise that my most popular post is about ways a submissive man can share his feelings with his vanilla partner. After offering my thoughts and suggestions to some of these men, I decided that another post on the subject would be in order.
I can understand how these men must feel- they desperately want (and need) to submit, yet they do not have the opportunity. This problem is exacerbated by the fact that many men seem to grow into their submissiveness as they age. The feelings that, at a younger age, were just sexual desires, have grown to become almost an obsession.
It is such a conundrum - if you tell your wife you are submissive, she could ridicule you, think you are perverted or even question your morals. And most women, when approached, will not have a large enough knowledge base on the subject. Likely she will envision whips, chains and a Domme in a corsette and cut the discussion off before it begins.
What's a submissive boy to do? The internet opens up the opportunity to read and explore the world of D/s safely through pictures, stories and videos, however that is only moderately satisfying. ProDommes are a possibility, but some find the experience too artificial when an exchange of money is taking place.
First, accept that your feelings are perfectly normal, and that changing them would be difficult (if not impossible). I believe that for most people this would be akin to trying to change a homosexual to a heterosexual. Could it be done? Possibly, but only with much difficulty and never completely. You are who you are, and you cannot change what you desire. Your feelings, wants and needs are not wrong, bad, dirty or perverse. No one would think any less of a woman who wanted her husband to make the decisions and run the household while she catered to his needs. Why should a man who feels that way be treated any differently?
I believe that most women have a Dominant side, but over the years it has been stifled, a lot of the times due to societal expectations. Powerful women are considered bitchy, assertive women are considered demanding. Not to mention that it is nearly impossible to achieve the model of perfection that is thrust upon us by images in magazines, television shows and movies.
I have been working for some time on a program to help men empower their wives. Performing these actions will not guarantee that your wife will become Dominant, but will at least help her develop the traits that a Domme must have. I believe that, over time, most any woman can enjoy taking on the Dominant role.
The great thing about these tasks is that many of them place you in a more submissive role just by the mere act of performing them. You are doing these things to please your wife, to meet her needs, to satisfy her. She will grow to expect these things. Her friends will notice how attentive you are and will comment to her about it. She will become happier with you, and expect (and demand) more from you.
There needs to be moderation in all things, though, and surely your wife will wonder what in the world is happening if her former couch-potato, beer-guzzling husband all of the sudden starts mopping the floors, bringing her chocolates and opening doors for her. The changes you will make are gradual, and the changes she will make in return are gradual as well.
In many ways, you are simply spoiling your wife, but with a twist. You are doing things that will build her self-image, empower her, and cause her to realize that she will be happiest when you are submitting to her.
This isn’t meant to be a checklist whereby if you perform every action you will get the Domme of your dreams. Rather it is a list of suggestions that will help a woman realize how wonderful it feels to have a man submit to her.
• Hands off your penis. Yes, I realize this is asking a lot. But men masturbate way too often. The problem is that orgasms diminish your level of desire, and often your level of submission. Your orgasm (or lack thereof) should be her decision. You don’t need to announce this to her. Just do it!
• Make sure she knows how much you love, desire and appreciate her. Women work incredibly hard and men often take that for granted. Little notes, cards and emails will show her that you are thinking of her. Sure, some of these can be racy, but be sure to include some that focus on how much you love and appreciate the woman that she is.
• Implement rituals to help remind Her (and yourself) of your place. There is no need to bring these rituals to her attention- she may or may not notice, but they will serve to keep you in line. Examples include not taking a bite of dinner until she has started or standing and giving her a kiss when she returns home (or even, when she enters the room).
• Don’t smell like Chewbaca. Okay, I’m not sure if Chewbaca smells or not, but based on the massive amounts of hair all over his body, I imagine he must have a rank odor about him. Wear cologne or body spray (Axe is a good one). Better yet - accompany her to the store and ask her to smell different scents and decide which she would prefer. No woman wants to have a dirty, stinky man with sweat stains on his clothes.
• Give her gifts when she expects them. But more importantly, give her gifts when she doesn’t expect them. It feels great to know that someone is thinking about you and wanting to do something special for you, even when it isn’t a holiday. It doesn’t need to be Valentines Day for you to bring her chocolates, it doesn’t need to be Christmas to buy her a necklace she has been eyeing. It does not have to be a huge expense- she will be touched that you thought of her.
• Tell her that you know she works hard, and that you want to do your part more and take some of the work on yourself. Accept what she asks you to do and complete it well and without whining. Don’t put it off! Let her know she can rely on you to follow through on the things she asks of you.
This is part one of a longer list, but because I hate incredibly long blog posts, I’m going to split this one up. Feel free to share your comments either via the comment box or email me privately. I am happy to offer my thoughts and advice.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
The Hunt for a Submissive
I have debated for a while about putting this on my blog, but feel it appropriate. I have been searching for a second submissive for a while. I am getting little more from CollarMe than boilerplate emails, 'hi, can I serve you' messages, and genital pics. I'm sure there are some great submissive men on CollarMe, but I have yet to find them. I have decided to take my search to the blog.
Readers of my blog know my D/s interests inside and out. And I think it is safe to say that the majority of my readers are submissive men. Here is what I am looking for, in list form just because I like lists. If at least 8 of the 10 items on the list below apply to you, I would like to hear from you (my email is in my profile).
1. Submissive man between the ages of 28 and 50
2. 5'8" or taller
3. Intelligent, can carry on a good conversation and write well
4. A great sense of humor
5. An interest in Female Domination that transcends kink
6. A desire to create a strong bond with a Dominant woman
7. Interested in regular contact via email/chat/phone with the possibility of meeting in the future
8. Able to discuss a variety of topics, with interests that extend beyond BDSM
9. D/s interests that are similar to mine (if you don't know, read the blog!)
10. Have to spell well or be able to use spell check (misspelled words are a pet peeve of mine)
I live in Virginia, though I am open to a long-distance relationship.
Sparking Desire in a Newbie
I recently had a conversation with an otherwise vanilla friend in which he shared that he and his girlfriend have not been intimate for months. After a bit of discussion, I suggested that he 'kink it up' a bit. We continued on the topic, and he asked what I do when I am in the mood and j is not showing any interest. I responded that I just take what I want. He was not previously privy to the details of my intimate life, and I could tell my response caught him off guard.
He started asking questions, and the more he asked (and seemed intrigued), the more I felt willing to share. I could tell that he was incredibly aroused by the conversation, and I must admit I was a bit turned on myself. It was as if I could see the gears turning in his head. This was mostly new to him. His only point of reference is what he has seen in some pornographic magazines and pop culture references.
He told me he had never felt a desire for anything like a Femdom relationship, but that the more I described it, the more he wanted it. He talked about how much it turned him on that a woman would be assertive and sexually free, that she would embrace her desires. He said (and I agree) that nothing is hotter than a powerful, confident woman.
None of this really surprised me, though. I think many, many men would prefer that their wife/girlfriend/partner take on a more dominant role, especially in the bedroom. It's not just about the great sex (although my worst D/s sex is FAR better than my best vanilla sex). It's more about the connection between man and woman... the man surrendering himself to her, and the woman accepting him and molding him to please her. The communication and awareness of each other that exists in a D/s relationship is beyond what I believe most unfamiliar with the lifestyle can imagine. And that, my dear readers, makes for a very happy couple.
Friday, March 18, 2011
D/s for Dummies... or Beginners
(Yes, the promised Wednesday How-To is a little late... but I'm a Domme, damnit! I can break my own rules if I want.)
Seven + years into my full-time D/s lifestyle, I have a difficult time trying to remember my marriage in its infancy. When we met, j was hopelessly vanilla in behavior, though he had some D/s fantasies (that he did not share with me until later). I was kinkier and definitely more Dominant outside the bedroom, but was used to my boyfriends being more the aggressors in the bedroom.
It led to a few years of frustration for both of us – j wanting something that he was afraid to put into words, and me wanting to control him but not realizing that control could exist in the bedroom as well.
All of this came to a head one night during a heated discussion. I felt let down that j seemed uninterested in sex, and I was not afraid to tell him how disappointed I was. Out of nowhere, he said, “I want you to take control.” That was the beginning of it, and despite a few bumps in the road, j and I are very happy that we are travelling this path together.
There are quite a few words of advice I would offer to couples interested in incorporating Dominance and submission into their relationship. First, make sure you are both on the same page, or at least reading the same book. Communication is key. Both partners should have similar expectations of what they want from the experience.
Find a checklist online of different activities. Fill them out separately and then compare them. Talk about each one. You will be surprised how your feelings on things may change as you move forward in your relationship. Things I had no interest in years ago are now vital parts of our lifestyle.
Start slowly! At first, especially when you find a willing partner, you want to try and do everything. There are so many new experiences, new toys, new things to try. Don’t do everything at once. You may even need to be as regimented as saying, “Only one new thing a month.”
Inevitably, there will be ebbs and flows in the prominence of D/s in your relationship. Even our marriage, which we consider to be 24/7, has times when we just put it on the shelf for a while. Responsibilities at work, children and family obligations, stressors of all kinds can impact your desire to explore D/s. Don’t let it get you down- it’s NORMAL, and you likely will come back to right where you left off once things have resolved, sometimes with a renewed interest.
Consider the psychological ramifications of the things you might do. This is a biggie for me. There are a lot of things that may just need to remain fantasies. Communication is so important. There are doors that, once opened, cannot be closed again. Consider this especially when engaging in extreme play, such as extreme sadism, cuckolding, or humiliation. There are some partners for whom these things would not be damaging, but others who might find them shattering to their core. It’s not worth the thousands of dollars in potential psychiatry bills.
Being open is great, but be careful whom you choose to share this with. I tend to be a little overly cautious in this area, but that’s just me. I have a few close friends I have come out to, and my sister, but that has been it. In general I choose to keep this part of me secret.
Most of all, enjoy yourselves! Have fun, explore who you are and what makes you tick. Take notes along the way... heck, start your own blog. This lifestyle is a journey, and everyone's path is just a little different.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Sexy Is a State of Mind
I wonder how many women do not embrace their sexuality because they are self-conscious. Women are programmed from such a young age to believe that there is one set of ideal attributes, and any variations from that ideal are not desirable. Don't believe me? Grab a Cosmo and you can see it. The women all look very similar - tall, thin, unusually large breasts given their lack of body fat, perfect skin, luscious and full lips, flowing hair. This flawless representation makes women feel less than confident. How can most women compete? It is no wonder that so many women feel ill-at-ease with their bodies.
I have come to the conclusion that sexy is more of a state of mind than a set of physical attributes. To be sexy, one doesn't need to wear a short skirt or revealing clothes, one doesn't need to show skin or be a model. To be sexy, one needs to be confident and passionate.
I have a coworker who is beautiful by anyone's standards. She always looks great, no matter what the circumstances, and in addition she is caring and kind. Sadly, it seems as if she is oblivious to her own beauty. Minor problems, like a tiny pimple, make her feel terrible about herself. She has confessed that she feels that people stare at her 'big ass'. She acknowledges and is proud of her professional accomplishments, but she cannot seem to come to term with who she is physically. She has a beautiful exterior, and yet she is self-conscious. And because of this, even though she is beautiful, she really is not very sexy. No surprise that she regularly complains about her sex-life.
To her and women like her I say... be proud of who you are, be beautiful, be confident, don't be afraid to shake your booty or grab your man by the balls. If you want him to go down on you, tell him! If he doesn't do it right, tell him that too. Demand satisfaction, don't settle for less. Share your fantasies, and make them come true.
Here's to being sexy AND self-confident!
I have come to the conclusion that sexy is more of a state of mind than a set of physical attributes. To be sexy, one doesn't need to wear a short skirt or revealing clothes, one doesn't need to show skin or be a model. To be sexy, one needs to be confident and passionate.
I have a coworker who is beautiful by anyone's standards. She always looks great, no matter what the circumstances, and in addition she is caring and kind. Sadly, it seems as if she is oblivious to her own beauty. Minor problems, like a tiny pimple, make her feel terrible about herself. She has confessed that she feels that people stare at her 'big ass'. She acknowledges and is proud of her professional accomplishments, but she cannot seem to come to term with who she is physically. She has a beautiful exterior, and yet she is self-conscious. And because of this, even though she is beautiful, she really is not very sexy. No surprise that she regularly complains about her sex-life.
To her and women like her I say... be proud of who you are, be beautiful, be confident, don't be afraid to shake your booty or grab your man by the balls. If you want him to go down on you, tell him! If he doesn't do it right, tell him that too. Demand satisfaction, don't settle for less. Share your fantasies, and make them come true.
Here's to being sexy AND self-confident!
Monday, March 14, 2011
Saturday Morning Fun, with a Surprising Twist
I woke up early Saturday morning, incredibly aroused. I am not sure what dream inspired such feelings, but it must have been a great one!
I require j to sleep naked so that he is available when I need him. I leaned over, kissing his mouth and face, then kissing my way down to his chest. As he woke I licked and kissed his nipples, and then bit them. My bites shocked him, erasing any grogginess he was feeling. As I continued to toy with his chest, I reached down and grabbed his cock. I was pleasantly surprised to find he was wearing his cock ring. I tapped against it hard with my fingernails, luxuriating in the sound of his moans.
Not wanting j to become too aroused, I slapped his balls hard, over and over again. I began to rub my clitoris, placing one finger on each side of it and moving them up and down quickly. I could already feel my juices flowing, so I grabbed j by the hair and pulled his head down towards my pussy. He immediately knew what I wanted, and got on his hands and knees with his ass facing me and his head between my legs. His tongue went to town, licking my pussy as I toyed with his ass. I love having him in this position, as I can play with his asshole, balls and cock easily as he pleasures me.
I reached a couple powerful orgasms with his tongue pleasuring me and then reached for my Magic Wand (conveniently stored right by the bed!). I turned slightly, pushing him off of me, and placed the Wand between my legs. With great pressure on my clit, I quickly came again.
j laid on the bed next to me, his cock hard and desperate for release. This meant I believe 21 orgasms of mine since he had a single one. I rubbed my right foot up against his cock as he moaned in pleasure. I tapped the head of his cock gently with the sole of my foot as I rubbed my clit with my fingers again. It had only been a couple minutes when he asked permission to cum. I couldn't believe he could possibly cum just from having the head of his cock lightly tapped, so I gave him permission.
I was shocked as his body started to writhe and I felt the cum hit my foot. I continued to tap against it as he came for what had to have been thirty seconds. When he finished I wiped my cum-soaked foot all over his chest, stomach and legs as I laughed hysterically at him. I still cannot believe that he was so desperate that he could cum that way!
I require j to sleep naked so that he is available when I need him. I leaned over, kissing his mouth and face, then kissing my way down to his chest. As he woke I licked and kissed his nipples, and then bit them. My bites shocked him, erasing any grogginess he was feeling. As I continued to toy with his chest, I reached down and grabbed his cock. I was pleasantly surprised to find he was wearing his cock ring. I tapped against it hard with my fingernails, luxuriating in the sound of his moans.
Not wanting j to become too aroused, I slapped his balls hard, over and over again. I began to rub my clitoris, placing one finger on each side of it and moving them up and down quickly. I could already feel my juices flowing, so I grabbed j by the hair and pulled his head down towards my pussy. He immediately knew what I wanted, and got on his hands and knees with his ass facing me and his head between my legs. His tongue went to town, licking my pussy as I toyed with his ass. I love having him in this position, as I can play with his asshole, balls and cock easily as he pleasures me.
I reached a couple powerful orgasms with his tongue pleasuring me and then reached for my Magic Wand (conveniently stored right by the bed!). I turned slightly, pushing him off of me, and placed the Wand between my legs. With great pressure on my clit, I quickly came again.
j laid on the bed next to me, his cock hard and desperate for release. This meant I believe 21 orgasms of mine since he had a single one. I rubbed my right foot up against his cock as he moaned in pleasure. I tapped the head of his cock gently with the sole of my foot as I rubbed my clit with my fingers again. It had only been a couple minutes when he asked permission to cum. I couldn't believe he could possibly cum just from having the head of his cock lightly tapped, so I gave him permission.
I was shocked as his body started to writhe and I felt the cum hit my foot. I continued to tap against it as he came for what had to have been thirty seconds. When he finished I wiped my cum-soaked foot all over his chest, stomach and legs as I laughed hysterically at him. I still cannot believe that he was so desperate that he could cum that way!
Friday, March 11, 2011
A Few of My Favorite Things
One of my readers recently messaged me through Pingbox and asked me to post my favorite BDSM-related gear. Here they are, in no particular order:

My all-time favorite D/s toy is the Feeldoe. The Feeldoe is a great alternative to the typical strap-on. It is convenient to use as I don't have to worry about putting on the harness for a strap-on in the middle of play. I can just slip the Feeldoe in and I am ready to go. I have used a number of different strap-ons and my Feeldoe offers significantly more control and certainly far more stimulation to my own body when I take j. It offers clitoral stimulation and vibrates via a small vibrator that can be removed. It's also super-easy to clean. It does require good pelvic control, but do your kegel exercises and you should be all set for a wonderful experience!

The Hitachi Magic Wand is a must-have for any woman, whether she is Dominant or not. It is the ultimate vibrator and has brought me to hundreds, if not thousands of orgasms. I own a number of great vibes, including the Eroscillator and several Doc Johnson vibrators. They basically sit in my toy cabinet gathering dust as I play over and over again with the Magic Wand. The Magic Wand is powered via an electrical cord, so no need to worry about batteries. When I use it, I generally put a lot of pressure on it, which tones down the vibrations a bit and makes them feel as if they are deeper within my body. Quite a few attachments have come out in recent years, too. I love using the Magic Wand for tease and denial with j... having him restrained as I apply it to his cock (on high, of course) until he is on the brink, over and over again.

Bondage tape is a must-have for me! Bondage tape has no adhesive, so it is not sticky. Rather, it is made of a material that adheres to itself. It is strong and gives very little when someone strains against it. Unlike rope, it requires no special knowledge of knots and restraints and it is quite safe, so you can play with little concern about circulation. When you are done, you can easily cut it off and discard it or unwind it and use it again. Don't get me wrong- I love, love, love rope, but in terms of quick and simple bondage, the tape cannot be beat.

Mmm... just the thought of impact play is enough to get me aroused! I love spanking, and the feeling of my hand moving through the air and coming down upon j's ass. Unfortunately, after a bit of this, my hand becomes sore. That is when I bring in the crop. The crop is lightweight, easy to use and offers a fantastic slap sound when it impacts flesh. j's ass quickly turns a beautiful shade of crimson under my crop.

Next on my list of must-have toys is the ball gag. The ball gag allows me to shut j up whenever the need arises. It quickly puts him into a more submissive position and is a great way to end arguments if they arise! I like using a ball gag on him before I punish him so that any yelps of pain are transformed into moans with the gag in place. Just looking at him with the gag on is enough to get me going!
The Aneros was one of our first anal toys, and remains one of my favorites. The Aneros is a prostate massager, molded to fit nicely inside the rectum. There is a handle-type piece on the end that is used for easy insertion and removal. When j has the Aneros in place, I use the handle to move it within him. Tilting it up puts great pressure on the prostate and is enough to make him absolutely shiver. I like the Aneros over a traditional butt-plug as it remains firmly in place, even during serious play. Some men report being to have orgasms with no penile stimulation at all when the Aneros is in.

j's collar and anklets come from Eternity Collars. They have held up to quite a bit of abuse and are still going strong. The collar and anklets are both secured with a screw that requires an allen wrench to open. j wears his anklets all the time, only removing them to travel or go through metal detectors (sometimes not even then... which is a funny story I will save for another time). The collar sits rather low on j's neck, so he wears it discreetly throughout the winter. I love being able grab onto his collar and yank him around. So very nice!

When j and I first started down this path of Dominance and submission, I had no interest whatsoever in electric play. After watching a few videos, though, I was intrigued enough to give it a try and I am so glad I did. The Rimba E-Stim Device is a great entry unit to the world of electrical stimulation. I remember the day this toy arrived, attaching the electrodes to my labia and using the device. It's difficult to describe the sensation, but it feels less zappy than tappy (told you it was difficult to describe)! It is safe to say that it can cause incredible pleasure or incredible pain. I purchased the Dual Contact Penis Strap to use on j, and the experience is one of complete control. I can bring j to orgasm without ever touching him at all, simply by turning the dials on the device. I can also bring him a swift zap of pain if I like. It is important to use the e-stim devices with conductive gel or the pleasure can turn to pain at unexpected times!

My all-time favorite D/s toy is the Feeldoe. The Feeldoe is a great alternative to the typical strap-on. It is convenient to use as I don't have to worry about putting on the harness for a strap-on in the middle of play. I can just slip the Feeldoe in and I am ready to go. I have used a number of different strap-ons and my Feeldoe offers significantly more control and certainly far more stimulation to my own body when I take j. It offers clitoral stimulation and vibrates via a small vibrator that can be removed. It's also super-easy to clean. It does require good pelvic control, but do your kegel exercises and you should be all set for a wonderful experience!

The Hitachi Magic Wand is a must-have for any woman, whether she is Dominant or not. It is the ultimate vibrator and has brought me to hundreds, if not thousands of orgasms. I own a number of great vibes, including the Eroscillator and several Doc Johnson vibrators. They basically sit in my toy cabinet gathering dust as I play over and over again with the Magic Wand. The Magic Wand is powered via an electrical cord, so no need to worry about batteries. When I use it, I generally put a lot of pressure on it, which tones down the vibrations a bit and makes them feel as if they are deeper within my body. Quite a few attachments have come out in recent years, too. I love using the Magic Wand for tease and denial with j... having him restrained as I apply it to his cock (on high, of course) until he is on the brink, over and over again.

Bondage tape is a must-have for me! Bondage tape has no adhesive, so it is not sticky. Rather, it is made of a material that adheres to itself. It is strong and gives very little when someone strains against it. Unlike rope, it requires no special knowledge of knots and restraints and it is quite safe, so you can play with little concern about circulation. When you are done, you can easily cut it off and discard it or unwind it and use it again. Don't get me wrong- I love, love, love rope, but in terms of quick and simple bondage, the tape cannot be beat.

Mmm... just the thought of impact play is enough to get me aroused! I love spanking, and the feeling of my hand moving through the air and coming down upon j's ass. Unfortunately, after a bit of this, my hand becomes sore. That is when I bring in the crop. The crop is lightweight, easy to use and offers a fantastic slap sound when it impacts flesh. j's ass quickly turns a beautiful shade of crimson under my crop.

Next on my list of must-have toys is the ball gag. The ball gag allows me to shut j up whenever the need arises. It quickly puts him into a more submissive position and is a great way to end arguments if they arise! I like using a ball gag on him before I punish him so that any yelps of pain are transformed into moans with the gag in place. Just looking at him with the gag on is enough to get me going!

The Aneros was one of our first anal toys, and remains one of my favorites. The Aneros is a prostate massager, molded to fit nicely inside the rectum. There is a handle-type piece on the end that is used for easy insertion and removal. When j has the Aneros in place, I use the handle to move it within him. Tilting it up puts great pressure on the prostate and is enough to make him absolutely shiver. I like the Aneros over a traditional butt-plug as it remains firmly in place, even during serious play. Some men report being to have orgasms with no penile stimulation at all when the Aneros is in.

j's collar and anklets come from Eternity Collars. They have held up to quite a bit of abuse and are still going strong. The collar and anklets are both secured with a screw that requires an allen wrench to open. j wears his anklets all the time, only removing them to travel or go through metal detectors (sometimes not even then... which is a funny story I will save for another time). The collar sits rather low on j's neck, so he wears it discreetly throughout the winter. I love being able grab onto his collar and yank him around. So very nice!

When j and I first started down this path of Dominance and submission, I had no interest whatsoever in electric play. After watching a few videos, though, I was intrigued enough to give it a try and I am so glad I did. The Rimba E-Stim Device is a great entry unit to the world of electrical stimulation. I remember the day this toy arrived, attaching the electrodes to my labia and using the device. It's difficult to describe the sensation, but it feels less zappy than tappy (told you it was difficult to describe)! It is safe to say that it can cause incredible pleasure or incredible pain. I purchased the Dual Contact Penis Strap to use on j, and the experience is one of complete control. I can bring j to orgasm without ever touching him at all, simply by turning the dials on the device. I can also bring him a swift zap of pain if I like. It is important to use the e-stim devices with conductive gel or the pleasure can turn to pain at unexpected times!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Caged In - A Domme's Fantasy

Fantasies run rampant in my mind. There are some that, although hot, I probably would never try. There are others that I am just waiting for the perfect opportunity to fulfill. This fantasy is definitely outside what I normally might do with j or any other sub, but it does make me wonder what I might be capable of!
j and I have a weekend alone, and I decide it is great time to put him in his place. I tell him to get dressed quickly as we need to run an errand. Once dressed, I have him drive to PetSmart. He thinks we are there to purchase food for our dogs, which we do, but then I take him over to look at the dog crates. Within earshot of several male shoppers I explain to j that since he is my little bitch, he needs to be treated accordingly. I look over several of the crates, loudly considering whether they are big or secure enough as he blushes crimson.
I select a crate that I believe will work nicely, and we purchase it. Immediately after returning home, I have him strip down to his panties and have him put the crate together. I tell him to get inside the crate. I don't put a blanket or towel down over the bottom of the crate, and I am sure it is uncomfortable for him, but I don't care. I place a large lock on the door to secure it closed. I then cover the crate and leave him alone, locked up, in the dark.
For the next several hours I go about my business. I talk to a girlfriend on the phone, read a magazine, workout and take a shower. When I step out of the shower, I hear him calling for me. He begs to be released to use the bathroom. I explain to him that, as my bitch, he is being crate-trained and I know he won't go in his crate. I tell him he needs to wait.
I leave him this way for another hour, then return to the crate. He is so excited to see me, thinking my presence means his release. Instead, I force him to drink a glass of water and leave again. I return later, expecting to find him again begging to use the bathroom. When I uncover the crate I see him masturbating furiously. I unlock the crate and pull him out by his erect penis.
As he starts to stand, I push him down to the ground. He looks up at me, shock written all over his face. "That's right, bitch," I say, "you can crawl around on the ground like the dog you are." I put the gates of hell on his penis and attach a leash to it. As I pull him through the house on his leash, I ask him if he wants to pee or if he wants to cum.
He begs to use the bathroom, almost crying at this point. "Too bad," I say, "first you are going to cum." I stroke his cock through the gates of hell and hear him whimper... partly in pain, partly in pleasure. I roughly take the gates of hell off him and furiously stroke his penis. I don't even look his direction as I am stroking it. I feel his body tense up as he cums onto the wood floor.
"Now can I pee, Mistress?" he begs. I tell him that he must first clean up his mess, and force him to lick his cum off the floor. He makes a nasty face, but obeys. As soon as he is done I release him to go to the bathroom. When he returns I tell him that he will be spending the night in his new cage. After locking him up for the night and covering the crate, I leave a small opening in the front that is not covered by the blanket. I want him to have a clear view of me as I masturbate, taunting him the entire time.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Strap-On Fun: There's Nothing Like the Butt

I have decided to begin making Wednesday posts how-to's. The post today is near and dear to my heart, as I truly enjoy taking my submissive anally. For the Dommes who read this and get something out of it, enjoy! And for you submissive men... it will probably be the hottest how-to you will ever read!
Having your man bent over, completely vulnerable, preferably restrained in some way is a feeling that nothing else can match.
First things first- use lots of lube! Messy? Yes, but better than causing tears that might mean time away from play. Trust me- once you take your man this way you will want to do it all the time!
It’s best to start gently. I prefer to have j laying on his back with his knees bent and legs spread. Start with your palm up, and enter his anus with one finger. Tease him a little bit so he doesn’t know when to expect that you might enter, and finally push your finger in. Most likely he’ll gasp… that means you are doing it right.
If your finger is long enough, you may be able to feel the prostate. Curl your finger in as if you are bring it in towards your palm. Although not the norm, per se, j seems to react with pleasurable moans and groans when I swipe slightly to the left and right. If your hands are small (as are mine), insert a second finger before beginning this. I usually toy with j’s anus a bit, tickling up against it with my second finger before inserting it.
With both fingers inside, you can stretch him just a bit. Open your two fingers, spreading him as you spread them. It is likely that you will not be able to open them much. Now you can play a bit- insert a third finger, slide your fingers in and out, tease his cock, slap his balls... have some fun!
When you are ready, pull your fingers out slowly, and position him for insertion. There are a couple ways to do this easily. If you are flexible, as I am, you can leave him in the position he is already in. Open your knees and sit in a W-type fashion. I then lift his legs and put them over my now spread out legs. Line the head up with him, but before you begin to insert, make sure you have some leverage. Now is the time to make sure you have plenty of lube. It is never a bad idea to push just a little more inside of him.
Slowly push into him. Unless he is experienced at anal play or you are feeling particularly sadistic, it is best to insert just the head and wait for his body to adjust to that sensation before pushing more in. Usually it takes just a minute before he is ready. You will know because he will likely begin pushing back towards you, wanting more of you inside of him.
Now thrust deep inside of him. Push your hips forward and back. If you are new to this, it might help to hold the strap-on, right near your body. This will give you a little extra control. As you become more experienced this will not be necessary, and with the proper strap-on you will have just as much control as any man would.
Now that you are taking him, tip your pelvis down slightly. This will make it so that pressure is placed on you, allowing you to enjoy the experience more.
You can play with things- change the speed, pressure, tilt of your body and more to totally change the sensations for you. Relax, enjoy yourself, and take your man like the bitch he is!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Two Men In My Bed - part 2

Watching j go down on a man, just because I ordered it was an incredible feeling. Prior to that, the time I have felt most dominant is when taking j with my strap-on. This, by far, outweighed that experience. I couldn't help but rub my pussy, having several orgasms while I watched this show that I was controlling.
Now drenched, I pulled j off t and towards me and guided his head to my pussy. He licked enthusiastically and I came yet again. By this point I was practically shuddering when I reached orgasm... my body was at such a heightened state of arousal. I wanted t to remain aroused, as my intention was to keep him turned on as long as possible while allowing him no release. I licked and sucked his cock gently and then stopped, edging him closer and closer to orgasm yet denying him every time. Just when he seemed to be anticipating what I would do next, I fingered his virgin ass.
I wanted t to feel what it was like to have no control- to be helplessly restrained and blindfolded. I told j to lay on his back. He actually hard a difficult time getting hard (something we have chalked up to some meds I gave him to help him last longer). When I was finally able to get him erect, he came immediately after I lowered my body onto him. He got very little enjoyment out of it due to his deadened sensations, which pleased me.
Somehow, I still hadn't had enough. I pulled out my Hitachi Magic Wand and pressed it hard against my pussy. As I did this, I would yank oh t's nipples as hard as I could, or rip out some of his chest hair. His moans of pain mixed quite nicely with my moans of pleasure. Eventually my body had had enough, and I collapsed, falling asleep between my two wonderful submissives.
... there is one more post in this series which will prove to be the hottest of all. Coming soon!
Monday, March 7, 2011
My Cuckold and Me

If you had asked either j or I several years ago if we would have considered cuckoldry, we would both said you were crazy. It wasn't that we saw anything wrong with it, but just did not feel like it was for us. Oh, how things change!
Our first tiptoe into the waters of cuckoldry came a couple years ago, when I began to talk to a few submissive men online. I enjoyed being fawned over, of course, and the extra attention I was receiving from other submissives really kept j on his toes. It reinforced his submissive position, and I made a point to remind him regularly that although I can have whatever submissive I want, he is mine and mine alone.
Before t came to visit, I told j it was my intention to be intimate with him. He had very mixed feelings about this... from arousal, to concern about the impact on our marriage, to questioning what his role would be. I consider myself a wife first and a Domme second, so we discussed his feelings at great length. The conclusion we came to is that we would touch base often during t's visit, but that the decision of how far I would go with him would be mine alone.
Now a bit of a spoiler- I had great sex with t, and enjoyed riding him. I also enjoyed knowing that j was there, watching every second of it. Was he more attentive after that? Hell yeah! Just as I take away his manhood when I force him to wear panties and use a strap-on on him, I take away his security when I make love to another man. The dichotomy of fear of what it might mean versus excitement of watching was clearly very powerful for him.
Every time I kissed t, groped him, slapped him, squeezed his balls, I knew that j was watching and wanting for that to be him. What a feeling of complete and total control! Since then, he has remained in a deeper level of submission as I have remained in a deeper level of dominance.
I fully intend to take on another submissive and likely cuckold j again...
I have started on my next post about t's visit- it promises to be a hot one. It will likely go up tomorrow, for those of you waiting with bated breath!
Friday, March 4, 2011
Taking My Bitch

j was bent over the bed with his panties around his thighs, a vision that took my breath away. It had been a weekend of torture for j. I had been too busy with my job to deal with his weeks of transgressions but as things settled down at work, they heated up at home. The night before I had put him over my knee and spanked his ass until it was bright red. I had little compassion for his whimpering, and kept reminding him that he was here to serve me. Then I had him hand wash all the floors in the house naked, except for a pair of panties. Since he washed the floor on his hands and knees, I had an excellent view. Seeing him like that got me incredibly aroused.
Now here he was, ass in the air, practically begging to be taken. I walked around the bed and slapped him several times in the face with my Feeldoe. I ordered him to suck it. "Get it wet, bitch.... it's going to be the only lube you get!" He sucked the cock, licking and slurping on it as I moved it in and out of his mouth. After taunting him this way for a few minutes, I was ready to take him.
I placed the tip of my cock against him, slowly entering him. Normally I put the head in quickly and allow him time to get used to the sensation before continuing on, but this time I watched as he gradually opened up to take in the head of my cock. He cried out a bit in pain, but I just laughed at him. As my cock entered him deeper, I could feel the pressure of the Feeldoe inside of me, and finally, all the way in, I gasped as it rubbed against my clit.
It wasn't long before I felt j's body pushing back towards me, wanting more and more of my cock inside of him. "You want it, don't you, bitch?," I asked. "Oh yes Ma'am, " he cried. I gave it to him, taking him hard and fast, watching my cock slide in and out of him.
I could feel my own juices dripping down my thighs and despite great control of my pelvic muscles it was getting tough to hold the bulb of the Feeldoe inside as I got wetter. I took it out of me told j to get on his back. I know this disappointed him a bit as he was enjoying rubbing his cock against the bed as I took him. Still, he was eager to please me and had his tongue out of his mouth, eager to lick me, as I lowered myself down on his face.
I rode his face with abandon, knowing his entire head was probably getting wet. I felt my climax building and grinded my pussy against his face. My hips began bucking and j struggled to keep his tongue aligned with my pussy as I came on his face. I moaned and screamed for what had to be a couple minutes- the orgasm just kept on coming!
As my climax was finally receding, I moved my body lower against j. "You wanna put your cock inside me? You wanna cum inside my pussy, bitch?"
"Only if it pleases you, Ma'am." he responded, but I knew he was eager for release.
"Too bad, maybe next time," I said with a grin, as I headed off to the shower.
* To those followers who are waiting to here what happened on my weekend with two submissives, I will be posting the next 'installment' soon. I want to give j some time to catch up with posting about it on his blog.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Two Men in My Bed!

I cannot begin to tell you how exciting it was to have two men in my bed that first night. I knew t was exhausted from his day of preparations and his flight in, so we went to bed early (meaning no D/s festivities... but there was plenty of time to come!) The next day, I worked for part of the day and j worked for the whole day. That meant leaving t at home alone. Before leaving for work, I left t a pair of my panties to wear. He was utterly embarrassed by this - which was just what I wanted! t spent his time cleaning the house- vacuuming, cleaning out my pantry and cleaning my bookshelves.
When I arrived home from work, t met me at the door. He was practically glowing in anticipation. We spent the rest of the afternoon embracing, kissing, holding each other... nothing at all D/s oriented. That was to come that night! j arrived home and seemed a bit distraught. Turns out he had a hard time knowing that t and I were alone and he wasn't part of the games. That night, after dinner, the real fun began!
I had j and t both strip down to their panties for me in the bedroom. I taunted them for a bit about how sexy they looked in their beautiful panties. t was horrified (though secretly loving it!). After pushing him down on his back, I pulled out some cuffs and attached both of his wrist to one side of the headboard. I also put a blindfold on him. I had j remove his panties for me. Although very hairy in general, t's groin is completely shaved. His penis is on the small side, but his balls are enormous - far bigger than I have ever seen. I teased t for a bit, yanking on his chest hairs and pulling out handfuls of hair as he screamed. I was dripping wet just hearing his cries. I kept telling him what a bitch he was, and that now that he was restrained, he was Mine to do with as I pleased.
t was on the verge of tears from the pain when I decided to reward him a bit. I lowered myself down his body, kissing and caressing his chest and stomach before reaching his throbbing hard cock. I teased it a bit with my tongue before lowering my mouth and taking it all in. I would suck on it a bit, listening to his moans, and then stop and slap him or yank on his chest hair some more. This went on for a few minutes, as j looked on- very much aroused himself.
I decided to bring j in on the action. One of my biggest fantasies is a forced bi situation. j has sucked my strap-on many times, but never the real thing. In fact, I have teased him about making him go down on a man for years. I told t that we were going to play a game. Someone was going to suck on his cock- and he had to guess whether it was j or me. He groaned out of humiliation, but also out of arousal as his cock grew even harder. I motioned for j to suck on him, and he did with gusto! He licked up and down t's shaft, taking the head in his mouth and toying with it before taking him deep down his throat. t moaned passionately and could barely get out the words, "It is j, Ma'am."
.... to be continued
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Back, At Last...

Some followers of my submissive hubby's blog, Serving My Mistress, have already begun to read the stories about when my online submissive came to spend a few days with us. This was the first time meeting him face to face, even though he and I had been chatting for nearly a year at that point. This is now a few months after the fact, and I think that j and I have taken a while to post just to let everything sink in. It was quite the visit!
During t's visit, j was thoughtful enough to write quite a few times, getting his thoughts and feelings down, as well as making note of everything that occurred. It ended up being very helpful as it was a whirlwind of emotions, fantasies and yummy D/s sensuality.
I had spent many a night watching t on webcam, and we had become so close as friends in addition to our D/s relationship that when I met him it was just like meeting an old friend. The initial hugs, however, quickly led to touching, and then kissing passionately. I think it freaked j out when he walked in on t and I kissing shortly after we arrived home from the airport. I made certain to talk to him about that, and honestly talked to him many times during the visit. I felt it was important to check in on him and make sure he was alright. I realize that as the Domme, the decisions about what activities would or would not occur were mine, however as a wife I did not want to do anything that might affect his psyche or our relationship in a negative manner.
Before visiting, t had expressed to me many times that he wanted to sleep next to me, and after chatting so many nights into the wee hours of the morning, I yearned to feel his body against mine. We all went to sleep fairly soon after he arrived as j and I both had to work the next day. I was wearing some silky black pants a top that was open in the front. I instructed the boys to strip before coming to bed with me.
The boys couldn't be more different if they tried! j is very confident, and never embarrassed by anything (much to my chagrin). t, on the other hand, is embarrassed all the time, and especially relishes when I humiliate him. As j openly stripped off his clothes and paraded around the room, t timidly undressed and quickly got under the covers. Most of my attention was initially focused on t. He was, after all, my new toy. He and I kissed passionately, my hands moving all over his body. He has tons of body hair, and I enjoyed hearing him scream as I grabbed handfuls of it and pulled as hard as I could. As we were making out, j began to rub my body. His massage slowly turned more sexual, and I began grinding against his hand as I kissed t. The moans I made while kissing t were due to j's actions... something about that seemed incredibly hot.
I had a very powerful orgasm that night, heightened by the fact that I was being serviced by TWO submissives! I slept lightly, waking up over and over throughout the night. Every time I opened my eyes, t was staring lovingly at me. I don't think he slept at all that first night.
This is the teaser post for what was a tremendously exciting visit, which went beyond any of my expectations and has filled me with mental replays for several months! More to come shortly (yes, really!)
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